Neural Network
Hey there! My name is Haydar Hamieh, full stack developer w/ 4+ years of experience on a lot of hands-on fun projects. Whenever it comes to full stack enterprise-level projects, AI based projects, mobile/desktop native apps, little fun on-the-side projects, my go to language is JavaScript; but I am always open to learn and reasearch new technologies.
GSC s.a.r.l.
Backend intern - -
GSC is a contracting and engineering company specialized in civil, software and networks engineering
College des Peres Antonins - Baabda
High school valedictorian - -
American University of Beirut
Computer Science & Engineering student - -
Neural Network from scratch
A fully functional neural network written entirely in JavaScript, with a helping Matrix class. The network has been trained and tested using the free MNIST dataset for hand-written digits. The neural network uses the optimal weights and biases in a final showcase project in which the user writes a digit from 0 to 9 and the network guesses it with a ~98% accuracy.
Flappy bird and AI built from scratch
This flappy bird clone was entirely built with vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The game simultaneously moves the pipes, checks for collisions, handles the birds' physics, and calculates the best option for the AI while keeping track of both score counters, on a single event loop! This project is truly a show of force of the power of JavaScript, when written correctly.
co-op: Group based money managing web app
Primarily built for the scouts, co-op is a money managing application for small startups and individuals. Just create an account, make a group and add your partners to the shared money sheet where you can view all past transactions and add new one. Unfortunately, due to lack of funds, co-op is not live.
inKin: Publish anything!.. Anonymously
inKin is a social media application built with React Native for iOS and Android devices. The main point of inKin is its anonymous nature, where users can publish any text without fear of humiliation or harrasment. inKin's recommendation algorithm hasn't yet been completed but is currently based on multiple complex algorithms I invite you to check out.
Wesch: Cross-platform native file manager
Wesch is a fast and reliable cross-platform (Windows, Mac and Linux) native file manager powered by Electron and webRTC (for p2p file transfer). Under the hood it makes node multi threaded for better performances. Wesch immediately shows you the folder and file sizes, allows free file navigation, and displays hidden and system files and folders in a sleek and comfy UI. It also brings a revelutionary built-in feature, that is currently under development.
URL Transformer prototype
Given a URL, the server will transform it and redirect to the original URL whenever accessed, without the need of a database, simply with the power of encryption.
VPN Blocker with IP blacklist
When you enter the homepage, a request is issued to an api to get your public ip address from which your timezone will be extracted. The script then compares the timezone with the Browser's timezone to detect any VPN usage. Accordingly, a request will be issued the the backend which will store the IP address in a server file.
HTTP Short polling examplified by a REST api
This little project shows the usage of http short polling in the context of a sports game, in which two teams, red and blue compete, and whose scores can be changed by a native client which will then trigger a change in the UI.
WebRTC app w/ a custom websockets signaling server
This project is a room-based video conference web app built with the power of webRTC with a custom webscokets server to handle signaling, from scratch.
Money managing app for individuals
Expense tracker is a single page web app with the sole goal of keeping track of your expenses and incomes. Think of it as your own little money diary.
Drawing app in JavaScript
Built in a single night, Draw.js is a HTML canvas based drawing app built from scratch in JavaScript. With its infinite color palette and its different painting tools, just keep drawing.
Web based JavaScript console
JavaScript console to execute JavaScript code. Have fun with the mysteries of JavaScript!
JavaScript API Gateway for microservices based apps
This is a proxy based API gateway for a robust yet simple microservices architecture for your backend. Take advantage of its built-in proxy testing and setting, rate limiting and routing; to build the best backends with the best code. To create a proxy with the Proxy class, just give it a name, a base URL and the port its running on, and let the API gateway do its magic.